In the gallery CARPETS FOR SALE – Carpet Broker collection – you can find antique and old rugs and carpets, from various geographic areas, many of them real rarities that well would figure in a private collection.
These are rugs that, during the broker activity on behalf of my clients, I decided to buy because of their value for money and rarity, getting to me a good investment opportunity. A collector, in fact, is geared to grow up, to improve, and this means a turnover of owned carpets as well.
Always special rugs, never dull, which are able to provide a great aesthetic and decorative pleasure in any home.
The collection for sale is periodically changed and updated.
According to personal preferences, the privileged rugs are those of tribal and village origin, mostly with geometric patterns. Among them the best representatives are for sure the Caucasian ones, followed by the Anatolians and, in some cases, the nomadic Persian rugs.
A certain importance is given to the so called flat-woven carpets, among which most known and appreciated are kilims (generally from Anatolia) and, even more rare, sumakh or sumach. A section of the gallery is dedicated to the Central Asia Turkmen Turkoman carpets, more commonly and incorrectly known as Bukhara / Bukhara or Bokara. There are, finally, decoration carpets, typical Persian and Chinese manufacturing production, the so-called “laboratory carpets.”
For any further information you can contact me, without any obligation, by e-mail or directly +349/5656288 (mobile phone).
Live view of one or more carpets in particular takes place in Rome, by appointment only, or in another agreed location.
Here on display the complete collection periodically renewed. Good vision!
My first carpet?
The one my father bought in Kabul, back in 1978.
A beautiful antique Ersari Turkman carpet, weaved in the middle of the nineteenth century.
It was then – I was 13 years old ‚- that my interest sparked up and it grew stronger every day until it became a real “passion”, preceded only by my love for my wife Annamaria and my son Filippo.
Once graduated in Communication Sciences, at the Italian University of Milan, with a thesis that already foresaw the current developments by the title “The management of the Museum in a market perspective”, I have held management positions in major multinational and Italian companies. In 2002 I moved to Rome, where I still live and work.
Over the years, my passion for the art of antique carpets evolves, turning me into a collector.
My personal carpets-dedicated Library grows to more than 100 titles amongst books and various publications, in some cases, rare and precious as the carpets they talk about.
I travel frequently to international auctions, real “lounges” where I can admire unique items, authentic museum pieces.
I attend thematic exhibitions, I take part in studies’ symposiums dedicated each time to a different aspect of antique carpets.
In 2008, at 43, I decided to come out in the open and to transform an unstoppable passion into a structured and organized activity, in order to exploit the synergies that came to life.